Реферат: Юмор как элемент компетентности менеджера проектов

6. McGhee P. (1999). Health Healing and Amuse System: Humour As Survival Training. Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company.

7. McGhee P. (2005). Using Humor to Boost Creativity. — http://www.laughterremedy.com/article_pdfs/Creativity.pdf.

8. MelanieF. (2008). How to Use Humor to Motivate Employees . — http://www.ehow.com/how_2255065_use-humour-motivate-employees.html.

9. Sultanof S.M. (1993). Humour Matters. — http://www.humormatters.com/articles/workplac.htm.

10. The Quotations Page (2005). http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/26753.html.

11. Forester J. (2004). Critical Moments in Negotiations: On Humor and Irony, Recognition and Hope. — http://courses.cit.cornell.edu/practicestories/documents/samples_planning/OnHumorAndIrony.pdf.

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