Реферат: О вкладе Сорокина Питирима в развитие социологической мысли
[1930] A systematic sourcebook in rural sociology: In 3 Vol. / Ed.: P.Sorokin, C.C.Zimmerman, C.J.Calpin.- Wash.; Minneapolis.-Vol.1-3.
Soziologische theorien im 19. und 20. jahrhundert.-Munchen: Verl. C.H.Beck.-342 S.
Sociology as a science // Social forces.-№10.-Р.21-27.
[1932] Rejoinder to Rice // Social forces.-№10.-Р.326-327.
Social and cultural dynamics: In 4 Vol.-N.Y.,
Vol.1: Fluctuation of form of art. Painting, sculpture, architecture,
music, literature and criticism.- 745 р.
Vol.2: Fluctuation of systems of thuth, ethics and law.-727 р.
Vol.3: Fluctuation of social relationships, war and revolution.-636 р.
Vol.4: Basic problems, principles and methods.-804 р.
Social and cultural dynamics: In 4 Vol.-L.
[1939] Тime-budgets of human behaviour.-Cambridqe: Harvard Univ. press.-204 р.-(Harvard sociol. studies; №2).--Auth.: P.A.Sorokin, С.А.Berger.
[1941] The crisis of our age: The social and cultural outlook.-N.Y..-338 р.
[1942] The crisis of our age: The social and cultural outlook.-Sydney; L..-272 р.
Man and society in calamity: The effects of war, revolution, famine, pestilence upon human mind, behaviour, social organisation and cultural life.-N.Y.-352 р.
Sociocultural causality, space, time: A study of referential principles of sociology and social science.-Durham: Duke Univ. press.-246 р.-(Sociol. ser.).
[1944] Russia and the United States.-2-nd ed.-N.Y.-253 р.-(Libr. of World Affairs; №15).
[1945] The crisis of our age: The social and cultural outlook.-N.Y..-338 р.
[1947] Society culture and personality: Their structure and dynamics: A system of general sociology.-N.Y.; L.-742 р.
[1948] Reconstruction of humanity.-Boston.-247 р.
[1949] Toynbee`s philosophy of history // The Pattern of the part: can we determine it?- Boston.
Altruistic love: A study of American "good neighbours" and christian saints.-Boston.-253 р.
Explorations in altruistic love and behaviour: A Symposium.-Boston.-353 р.
Leaves from a russian diary and thirty years after.-Boston.-346 р.
Russia and the United States.-L..-213 р.