Реферат: О вкладе Сорокина Питирима в развитие социологической мысли
[1951] SOS: The meaning of our crisis.-Boston.-177 р.
[1952] Social philosophies of an age of crisis.-L..-345 р.
[1953] Integralism is my philosophy // Burnett W. This is my philosophy.-L.
Forms and techniques of altruistic and spiritual growth: A symposium ed. by P.A.Sorokin.-Boston.-476 р.
The ways and power of love: Types, factors and techniques of moral transformation.-Boston.-552 р.
The american sex revolution.-Boston.-186 р.
Fads and foibles in modern sociology and related sciences.-Chicago.-357 р.
The crisis of our age: The social and cultural outlook.-N.Y.-338 р.
Social and cultural dynamics: A study of change in major systems of art, truthe, ethics, law and social relationships: [Rev. and abridged in one volume].-Boston.-718 р.
Fads and foibles in modern sociology and related sciences.-L..-357 р.
Reconstruction of humanity.-Bombay.-223 р.
Power and morality: Why shall guard the guardians?-Boston.-204 р.-Auth.: P.A.Sorokin, N.A.Lunden.
Social and cultural mobility : Containing complete reprints of "Social mobility" and chap. 5 from vol. 4 of "Social and cultural dynamics".-L.-645 р.
Social and cultural dynamics: In 4 Vol.-L..
[1961] Sane sex order.-2-nd ed.-Bombey.-158 р.
Social and cultural dynamics: In 4 Vol.-N.Y.
Society culture and personality: Their structure and dynamics: A system of general sociology.- N.Y.-742 р.
A long journey: The autobiogr. of Pitirim Sorokin.-New Haven.-327 р.
Modern historical and social philosophies: Danilevsky, Spengler, Toynbee, Schubart, Berdyaev, Northrop, Kroeber, Schweitzer.-N.Y..-345 р.
The basic trends of our time: Essays.-New Haven:College Univ.press.-208 р.
Contemporary sociological theories: Through the first quarter of the twentieth century.-N.Y..-783 р.