Реферат: Othello Language Essay Research Paper Task Show

Othello Language Essay, Research Paper

Task: Show how Othello`s language reflects the change in the mood between the

early part of the play (act I) and act III scene III (line 334, end, and the

death scene). Intro: Othello is the story of an African general who falls in

love with a rich Venetian nobleman?s Daughter, to wed her, but after a short

while things aren?t all what they seem. When lieutenant Iago puts his foot in

it and stirs up relationships to degenerate general Othello out of jealousy.

Othello loses it and thing?s go very downhill. Act I scene II: In this part of

the play it does not seem as though Othello is a man who likes trouble within

his environment unless on the battleground. He likes to keep an idyllic

situation, quote ?Tis better as it is? (Othello at the start of the play )

he uses short and simple language. Next Othello says, ?let him do his spite,

my services which I have done my signiory? He is telling Brabantio to say what

he wants as the council will never put me away for the services I have done for

this country. Othello knows he?s in control, he shows this by using words like

Stuff, I lack,……service, Yerked, Magnifico, Give him cable, etc. The first

impressions of Othello are: YEAH, THIS GUY KNOWS, WHAT HES DOING FOR SURE, as he

is a fluent speaker, good with words and very highly confident. He shows his

confidence when he speaks quote ?My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall

manifest me rightly?, -he is trying to say I know what I am doing, and what I

am doing is right. ?My life upon her faith?, -Again confidence. Desdemona

will not say a word against my actions or me. He has exact control of all

situations and conversations. We can see all this observing his general code of

language and his behaviour when in difficult situations. In his second quote he

says to Brabantio that, you can say what you want, I shall allow you, as I knows

that I will not go to jail as I have done too much for Venice. (Again

confidence). When the council is questioning him, he manages to sweet talk his

way out of it by using the tone of his voice (calm and gentle) and words like,

Most reverend signiores etc. ?But I love thee gentle Desdemona? Is his next


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