Реферат: Othello Language Essay Research Paper Task Show

of his sentences and actions. Othello starts off with his characteristic

dignified idiom but due to a man, whose every utterance is deception, who takes

Othello into false words to change the identities of his loved ones to be his

worst enemies, Othello degenerates to become a psycho. Othello first uses the

power of his speech (to show his position), to create his image, but then falls

to be, in a way, a psychiatric (false), villain, who kills his friends, and his

only family. Iago does not show his opposition to Othello but does always create

a yes sir, yes sir, three bags full sir atmosphere when around him. (False

friendship). Othello often uses colourful words in sound and in his speech

(e.g.; – Keep up your bright swords, for the due will?…shows he is also a

powerful speaker. Othello never steps out the soldier image and he always keeps

precise speech, sincerity and devotion to his job. Even in his fall he stays a

soldier- ?Damn her, lewd minx! Oh damn her, damn her (three times), come, go

with me apart, will withdraw, to furnish me with some swift means of death, for

the fair devil, now art though my lieutenant?. Towards the end of the play,

Othello begins to lose his powerful speech in himself, as he is not so

confident. What Iago says about Desdemona and Cassio, he starts to believe, but

then he is unsure of it, he even loses it physically, where starts to have

eppiliptical fits. In and around act III scene III Othello begins to lose his

self-confidence, where he begins to see his wife and himself through Iago?s

eyes. He also begins to corrupt himself because of Iago?s characteristic

expression. His style begins to break down, and he begins to get very agitated.

Othello starts to repeat his words three times just to establish himself. When

he talks of his wife he uses words such as pish, nose, ears, lips, its possible,

confess, handkerchief, oh devil. These words now, would not signify much but

then were quite erotic words suggesting that Othello actually believes the lies

and suggests the degeneration of General Othello. From the point where Othello

has an eppiliptical fit, he and Desdemona fail to understand each other?s

language. Othello?s language is almost all the time violent and aggressive

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