Реферат: PostPatco Era Vs Ups And The Teamsters

laborers? issues, instead they often choose to suffer the long term repercussion, as a

result, in the market environment and employees? spirit. Companies, such as UPS,

have learned that not trying to meet employees? needs can have negative effects on

the results of their operations. UPS depended to a significant degree on the

inability to avoid strikes and other work stoppages by their employees. As their

competitors had grown in size and strength, UPS faced permanent loss of

customers if they were unable to provide continued service. Due to not being able

to meet customer demands, their competitors became stronger and their market

share declined during that period. Consequently, the Teamsters strike resulted in a

decrease in the company?s financial and operational status. The strike resulted in a

net loss of $211 million and an operating loss of $349 million for the month of

August 1997, compared to net income of $113 million and an operating profit of

$187 million for August 1996 (Prospectus, 1999). These results suggest that

solving employees? issues in a timely-manner can have a positive effect on

employees and customers as opposed to decreasing the spirit of employees and

dividing the market with competitors.

As a manager of United Parcel Service, Inc and a past UPS striker in 1997,

it is thought that the following points are in order to maintain effective

management/employee relations.

q Publicize all events to employees, including financial reports, make

job posting available, and publicize the benefits that the company offers

to their employees,

q Cross train employees (especially if in union guidelines),

q Implement surveys and focus attention on union members? opinions,

q Work towards incorporating wage/benefit status to all workers and

publicize how increases are tabulated (according to seniority date and/or

other variables that may affect wages),

q DON?T let information become a mystery for employees and, provide the

necessary resources to help solve problems,

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