Реферат: Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals.(7)

Since for many practical interesting cases Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, we shall use the decomposition Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, hence

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals. (8)

Considering the formulas (4) and (5) we will find the mean of values in formula (8)

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, (9)

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals. (10)

The angle Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals is (see fig. 2)

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, hence

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, (11)

because Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals is a random variable with uniform distribution in interval Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals.

By inserting the values given by formulas (9)–(11) into the formula (8) we get the mean of the amplitude Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals.(12)

Notice that the value of s0 in the formula (12) has to satisfy

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals (12a)

as the amplitude of the input signal must exceed the quantization step.

Analysis of formula (12) shows that if Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals and if the number of bits of the A/D converter Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals then the mean Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals is equal to the Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals with the error less than 0,5 %. This means that the mean amplitude of output signal is practically equal to the amplitude of the input signal.

The variance of amplitude Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals can be found considering formula (6) and the fact, that Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

Supposing that Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals and using the decomposition Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, the formula (13) can be written

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals


Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals.

If we have identical A/D converters, then

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals, (15)


Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals.

Finally we get, considering formula (11) and the fact that

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

Quantization error analysis of the quadrature components of narrowband signals

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