Реферат: Seasons

April 7: World Health Day

It is celebrated every year under the sponsorship of World Health Organisation held the First World Health Assembly. The Assembly decided to celebrate 7 April as World Health Day. World Health Day is celebrated to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for World Health Organisation (WHO).

April 29: International Dance Day

It has been celebrated on 29 April through promotion by the International Dance Council (CID), en umbrella organization within UNESCO. The holiday was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute. The date was suggested by Pyotr Gusev to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre.

1 May: May Day

May Day refers to any of several holidays, which are public in some countries. The holiday has ancient origins and various customs surrounding the time period have survived into modern times. May Day is a Cross-quarter day. May Day may be best known for its tradition of dancing the Maypole and crowning of the Queen of the May. Today various Neopagan celebrate reconstructed (to varying degrees) versions of these customs on May 1.


Summer is the warmest and driest season. The temperature is about 20-30 degrees above zero. People wear shorts and T-shirts. It is also the vacation season. People usually go to the seashore or travel to different countries. They go to the country, go swimming, play outdoor games such as football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, etc. You can find a lot of baby animals at this time.

Summer’s holidays

June 1: International Child’s day

Children are the future of the mankind. And this day is their day. The children’s right for life and dignity must be respected and defended. Want is sunnier, more joyful and memorable than childhood? A child gets to know the world with the help of adults, learns and finds out new interesting things. A child is happy when he is loved, warmed, fed and understood.


Autumn is a season when leaves fall off, the harvest is gathered and everybody and everything prepares for winter. The autumn months are September, October and November. Autumn is not very warm. In autumn trees become golden, red and orange. Ripe fruit come into view between the leaves. In the countryside one can see fields and forests in all gradations of the golden colour and enjoy this marvelous view. Autumn brings stillness; everything starts to fall asleep bit by bit; one often thinks of the inconstancy of live and at the same moment of the constant repetition of seasons.

Although autumn is considered often as the withering of Nature, this is the beginning of a new life. Animals prepare themselves not only for winter, but also for the next year. They make up comfortable winter houses for themselves and gather food to appear strong and healthy after the winter period. It often rains in autumn, and days become shorter and colder.


By June Kellum

There’s nothing as fine as an autumn day,

With the smell in the air of fresh mown hay.

Each tree is a wonder

Of beauty, untold,

Each leaf brushed with colour,

A sight to behold!

There’s a nip in the air-crisp, cool and clear,

To remind us that winter soon will be here!

But for now we have autumn –

The snow-off of seasons –

My favourite by far,

And these are the reasons!

They are the Day of Knowledge, the International Day of Peace, World Students Day, World Food Day, Thanksgiving, International Animal Day and Halloween. Autumn greets us with rains, winds and long nights, making our spirits low. But we can change our attitude to it. It can be thrilling and exciting, full of pleasant emotions and wonderful events. We can get enjoyment celebrating autumn’s holidays.

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