Реферат: Seasons


Студентка 1 курсу

Загородна А


Кравченко О.В


Seasons of the year


Winter is the coldest season. The temperature is usually 15-20 degrees below zero. The rivers and lakes get frozen. It often snows in winter so the ground, trees and buildings are covered with tiny little things called snowflakes. The trees have no leaves. You can see few animals, insects and birds because the most of them went into hibernation or got away to the South. People wear heavy fur coats and boots. Though winter is very cold you can find it very funny and joyful. Children play hockey, snowballs and skate, make snowmen.

Unusual and funny winter’s holidays

December 25: Christmas

Christmas is a time for families, fun and festivities! A time of family gatherings and holiday meals. A time for Santa, stars, singing carols. A time for ornament, gifts, and twinkling lights. You can find children sending a letter to Santa, holidays postcards to friends and relatives, writing stories on Christmas, etc.

January 10: Roman Catholic Church Day

The Roman Catholic Church or Catholic Church is the Christian church in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, currently Pope Benedict XVI. It traces its origins to the original Christian community founded by Jesus and spread by Twelve Apostles, in particular Saint Peter. The Catholic Church is the largest Christian church, representing around half of all Christians, and is the largest organized body of any world religion. According to the Statistical Yearbook of the Church, the Catholic Church’s worldwide recorded membership at the end of 2005 was 1.114.966.000, approximately one-sixth of the world’s population. The worldwide Catholic Church is made up of one Western or Latin and 22 Eastern Catholic autonomous particular churches, all of which look to the Bishop of Rome, along or along with the College of Bishops, as their highest authority on earth for matters of faith, moral and church governance. It is divided into jurisdictional areas, usually on territorial basis. At the end of 2006, the total number of all these jurisdictional areas was 2.782.

February 1:Bubble Gum Day

For many years the custom of chewing gum has not only continued, but expended among the population of the world. This is probably because the chewing of gum is fun. It tastes good and continuously releases its pleasant flavor sensation over a long period of time with the total ingestion of only approximately 5 to 10 calories per portion. The chewing gum industry guards the purity and integrity of its products and annually invests a substantial share of its income in the thorough investigation of every ingredient and aspect of manufacture, as well as in research and development. These manufactures want their customers to continue enjoying one of the finest food product in the world.

February 2: Hedgehog Day

Hedgehog Day is said to be a German tradition, which the Germans got from the ancient Romans. Hedgehog Day is claimed to be a precursor to Groundhog Day, a minor holiday in North America on the second of February. On that day, groundhogs are said to emerge from their burrows. According to tradition, if they see their shadows, they return to their burrows and six more weeks of winter are to be expended. Groundhog Day is a transformation of a German predecessor, which relied not on groundhogs, but on hedgehogs. German immigrations to North America, finding no hedgehogs in their land, substituted groundhogs for hedgehogs.

season holiday


The bells of spring are ringing, The trees are green,

All ringing loud and gay; Blue skies are seen.

By hill and dale they are flinging Grey winter’s gone away

Sweet melody today. The golden sun

Greets everyone.

The world looks new and gay.

Spring is the most amazing and wealthy season of the year. It’s the time when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep, when days become longer and longer and the rays of the sun are warmer and warmer. Snow is gradually melting and as a result trees begin to show their first buds. Ice on the rivers also vanishes; water sparkles and renews its ability to reflect whatever you want. After a while flower time comes and everything starts blooming. That’s an unforgettable period of the season. It inspires everyone and makes each person stop, look around without any haste and admire every blade of spring grass, every flower, every bud and Nature upon the whole. Isn’t it fantastic?

Spring’s holidays

March 8: International Women’s Day

At that day we honour our mothers, teachers, sisters, wives and all women; we give them the flowers, small tokens of love; we say to them compliments and words of appreciation.

March 20: International Astrology Day


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