Реферат: Seasons

October 7: World Smile Day

The intend 0of World Smile Day is to do an act of kindness, or to help one person to smile.

October 31: Halloween

This holiday is celebrated on the night of October 31 mostly by children, who, in a tradition commonly known as trick-or treating, dress in costumes and go door-to-door to collect sweets, fruit and other gifts. Other traditional activities include costume parties, watching horror films, visiting “haunted houses’’ and participating in traditional autumn activities.

November 2: All Souls’ Day

In Western Christianity, All Souls’ Day commemorates the faithful departed. This day is observed especially in the Roman Catholic Church but to some extend also among Protestants. The Eastern Orthodox Church observes several All Souls’ Day during the year.

November 9: World Freedom Day

World Freedom Day is a United States federal observance declared by President of the United States George Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall. It started in 2001 and is celebrated on 9 November.

November 11: Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day (United Kingdom, Australia, Canada), also known as Poppy Day (South Africa and Malta), Veterans Day (United States) And Armistice Day (New Zealand and many other Commonwealth countries) is a day to commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World War І, World war II and other wars.

November 17: International Students’ day

International Students’ Day is an international observance of student activism. Taking the day differently than its original meaning, a number of universities mark it, sometimes on a day other than November 17, for a nonpolitical celebration of the multiculturalism of their international students.

November 22: Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving day, legal holiday in the USA, first celebrated in the early colonial times in New England. The actual origin, however, is probably the harvest festivals that are traditional in many parts of the world. In 1863, President Lincoln issued a White House proclamation calling on the “whole American people” wherever they lived to unite “with one heart and one voice” in observing a special day of thanksgiving.


Inspire – надихати, навівати, вселяти;

Haste - поспішність, квапливість;

Token - подарунокнапам'ять;

Appreciation – вдячність;

Annual - щорічний, річний;

Gradation - градація; поступовість;

Inconstancy- несталість, мінливість, нерегулярність;

Constant – постійний, сталий;

Wither - в'янути, сохнути; блякнути, марніти;

Mownhay – cкошене сіно;

Nip - щипок; укус;

Release - звільняти, визволяти; випускати на волю, полегшувати;

Flavor - аромат; запах, приємний смак; присмак;

Approximately - приблизно, наближено, майже;

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