Реферат: Summary British History Essay Research Paper ESWHChapter

This changed and lawyers were introduced to guide the jury, which had no sense of law at all.

Religious beliefs

The Churches in villages were different from the Church the king had to deal with. Most priests were married and gave their position to their sons when they died.

This changed. Priests weren?t allowed to get married and convicts were founded for nuns and monks who were willing to keep this promise.

In the thirteenth century friars were brought up. They existed of preachers who went from village to village, they were interested in the normal soul and lived with the poor.

Ordinary people in country and town

Life in the countryside was hard. Men had to work all their lives until they were unable to work any longer.

The poor were divided from their masters by the feudal class system. See page 37.

The growth of towns as centres of wealth ( see page 38)

Language, literature and culture( see page 41)

Chapter 7 The late middle ages

War with Scotland and France

Scotland and France became allies, to protect themselves from England. France tried to make England less powerful, by influencing the trade with other countries.

England declared the war to France, because they could not afford to miss their trade with Flanders( belgium).

Edward III declared the war in 1337, claiming the right to the French Throne. The war did not end until 1453 and England lost all French property except for Calais.

At first there was peace after this war, but the fighting started again in the fifteenth century.

The age of chivalry

Code of chivalry = the way a perfect knight should behave.

Chivalry was a useful way of persuading young men to fight by creating the idea that war was a noble and glorious thing. They could benefit from it, but usually, war was nothing more than cruelty and death. The black prince was feared in France for its cruelty.

The century of plagues

The year 1348 brought the plague ( black death) It wasn?t the first natural disaster and it wasn?t the last. One third of Britain?s population died . There were more plagues after this which killed most the young and the healthy. After the Black death there were so few workers left, they could ask for a higher pay. This led to the end of serfdom.

Life became more agreable after this, even for peasants.

Lots of Flanders came to England after the industry collapsed there. They came to search for work encouraged by Edward III.

The poor in Revolt

When Edward III died his grandson Richard II became king. He was very young and advisors decided to ask taxes for every person above fifteen. After the third time ordinary people in the cities started rebellions and refused to pay. The man who made this up Wat Tyler got killed and Richard II met the peoples wishes and made peace. He did not enforce the tax, but he did not give them more rights.

Heresy and Orthodoxy

The Church wasn?t popular, because of its greed. Priests and Monks lived in wealth. They also became aware of their Englishness and the pope was a foreigner. They were convinced that their taxes helped the French, because the pope was living in France.

The Church also had to much power. Religious leaders were often chancellors of the king.

Another threat was the spread of religious writings and there was one man who decided everyone should be able to read the bible so he translated it into English.

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