Реферат: Super Bowl Commercials Essay Research Paper Super

The study will focus on audience’s retention, and advertising effectiveness.

This study will be a valuable tool for companies that wish to advertise during

future Super bowl events. Advertising companies can utilize this study to

evaluate the effectiveness upon the audience. II. Methodology. People can forget

advertising very rapidly. So we will wait a week or two before checking to see

if commercials are still having a measurable effect on them. When we contact

them we want to use something that gets through to virtually everybody,

everywhere, on the first try. With today’s busy lifestyles, voice mail and

answering machines, the telephone will not be the method of choice. We will do

this type of ad tracking by reaching all types of people everywhere, and we

wanted the number who decline to participate to be as small as possible. We will

accomplish all these objectives by mailing questionnaires to a nationwide sample

drawn from all households for which an address is available from either an auto

registration or a telephone listing, six days after the Super Bowl. First: How

many noticed the commercials? Recognition provides the best measure of

intrusiveness because it is the most accurate, complete and reliable measure of

the number that noticed the commercial. It separates the people who noticed a

commercial from those who ignored it, or were never exposed to it, so we can see

if it had any effect on them. It shows if the communication process had a chance

to start. We will also look at a key measure of the information communicated by

the commercials. How many remembered who they were for? Some commercials for

jeans and credit cards did an excellent job getting noticed but not in getting

the name across. Second: How many were affected by the commercials they noticed?

The previous measures only show if the commercial had a chance to affect people.

To find out if it actually did, two types of measures will be used — likability

and diagnostics. However, if people like a commercial but can’t remember who it

was for, it can’t have an effect on sales. So, we combine the two in our second

basic measure of advertising’s impact: the percent of recognizers that knew who

it was for and liked it. Third: What gives the most bang per buck? How do these

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