Реферат: The political power
Under the rule refers to the ability and opportunity to implement their will, affect the operations, human behavior by using certain tools – the authority, rights, violence and so on.
In fact the government – a type of public relations that is:
• expression of needs in a complex social system of organization and self-regulation (regardless of the type of society);
• result of social conditions, layers and the appropriate relationship between them.
Power to distinguish economic, political, civil, family and others.
Political power is one of the most important of its kind. When political power see the real potential of a state, group, individual exercise their will in politics and legal norms. It is characterized by social domination and control of certain states, social groups and others. Last possess means of physical, economic, psychological coercion sanctioned system of ideological and legal norms.
The main type of political power is state power that closer look at below.
The will and support of the management team is the condition and source of power of certain institutions of society to impose decisions, patterns of behavior and so on.
In turn, direct political power are the subjects of political institutions and agencies that implement the process control of various aspects of life, have means of power (coordination, coercion, control, violence, repression, etc.), choose goals and their uses.
Almost all the theories and concepts of policy based on an understanding of what power relations between large social groups, activities of the State, the struggle for power in the state, as well as the manner of its operation determine the nature of the political sphere of society. However, representatives of various scientific fields have fundamental differences on the interpretation of social meaning and social roots of power, the interpretation process of the struggle for power.
There are basic approaches to the interpretation of the nature of political power:
1. Teleological approach (in terms of specific targets) describes power as the ability to achieve goals related to the myths of power, and intended results (B. Russell).
This definition interprets not only as power relations between men, but in the context of human interaction with the environment (the power over nature).
2. Sociological approach based on the analysis of power in the context of the social conditions of its origin and operation, taking into account prevailing social values, traditions, political culture and so on.
M. Weber (Germany) as the ability to understand the power of one individual to realize their will even if others resist.
Thus, the basis of relations are relations of power domination and subordination.
Founder of structural and functional analysis of T. Parsons (USA) in the context of the theory of social action community considered as a coherent system, elements of which it is integrated social action. At last he understood the behavior of political subjects (individuals, groups, organizations, etc.) depending on the natural (biological human nature, climate) and social (society) factors.
According to the functional principle requires government entities to fulfill social responsibilities and mobilizes resources to achieve common goals.
Within Social Conflict (Marx, Engels, Lenin) was considered in the context of power relations subjugation of one class by another. The nature of this dominance in terms of Marxist concepts of economic inequality is due. But social inequality is also complemented by gender, ethnicity, age, cultural, regional and professional differences. So the logical conclusion is: power is everywhere where there is inequality. Marx and Engels first cited the concept of «social power» and later stated that the main role in the system of social power has the state, political power [20, 33].
M. Dyuverzhe (France) reviewed the rule in the complex: on the basis of violence (physical, economic, moral and psychological) and authority (voluntary submission). This is his definition of power as «two-faced Janus. It is an instrument of domination of some groups over others, but at the same time – a means of social integration and solidarity of all members of society [273, 274].
3. Behavioural (behavioral) approach interprets power as a special type of behavior when one command, and others – are subject.
This concept of power associated with the names mean Merriema [328] G. Lassuella (USA) [315 316] and J. Ketplina (UK) [338]. They withdrew from the nature of power relations man, abandoning the moral evaluation policy. The main reason for the political activity of the person they considered its desire to subjugate others to his will. The balance of political forces must be provided for a system of political institutions.
However, legal (legal) forms of behavior regulation were not enough. Attention to unconscious components in political consciousness (and hence to political behavior) led to the development of psychoanalytic concepts and power within the behavioral approach. The leading thesis of these concepts is to understand power as a means of domination over the unconscious human psyche.
4. Psychological approach based on understanding the sources of power in the consciousness and subconscious of people. 3. Freud (Austria) thought train to power the transformation of sexual energy [285] Jung (Germany) – mental powers in general [46]. C. Ed-axis and-B. Edelman causes psychological subjugation believe in hypnotism captain and crowd interactions [38] and Jacques Lacan – in the subconscious perception special characters expressed through the language of [26].
5. Systems approach is characterized by the understanding of power as derived from the political system rather than individual relationships (behavioral and psychological approaches).
Within the system approach marks out these concepts:
• macrolevel – power as a property or attribute of the macro-cial systems (T. Parsons, D. Easton). It is a way of organization, operational modalities and means of decision-making and distribution of values
• mezolevel – power at specific systems – family, industrial groups, organizations (Kroze M., C. Deutsch, N. Luman). Considered in the context of relations with the organizational structures of society;
• micro level – the power as the interaction of individuals within specific social system (T. Clark, M. Rogers). Thus, the role of individual in society, microsystem is determined by its power, which he is subject.