Реферат: Why Dirty Words Are Dirty Essay Research
unexpected program content.”(Gunther, 1991) So here’s the simple solution,
turn off the radio. How hard can that be? It’s not too difficult but the
Supreme Court decided “to say that one may avoid further offense by turning
off the radio…is like saying that the remedy for assault is run away
the first blow.”(Gunther, 1991)
The second reason why broadcasting has received limited first amendment
protection is because “broadcasting is uniquely accessible to children,
those too young to read.”(Gunther, 1991) Even though children at a young
can’t read obscene messages, the Carlin broadcast could have enlarged a
child’s vocabulary in a matter of seconds. These two important factors of
broadcasting gave the Supreme Court the push they needed for regulation.
Court decides that “the ease with which children may obtain access to
broadcast material, coupled with the concerns recognized, amply justify
special treatment of indecent broadcasting.”(Gunther, 1991) But does that
mean that adults have to listen to what is fit for children’s ears? Must
adults now go out and purchase George Carlin’s album for entertainment?
decision might not seem a fair one to most who agree with Carlin’s message,
but according to the Supreme Court it “does not violate anyones first
amendment rights.”(Gunther, 1991)
If the government could allow this type of speech to be regulated then they
must also take into account that regulating indecent speech would effect
other integral parts of broadcasting. For instance, “these rationales could