Реферат: Words Essay Research Paper WORDSthe ones we

Words Essay, Research Paper


the ones we continuously

misuse and confuse

Luke Bobek

Final Paper



Why write a paper on some obscure and complicated subject that you won?t remember what you wrote two days after you turn the paper in? All that time on the computer and in the library finding information on something you are interested in only because of a grade. Then say you put in fifteen hours in on a paper and you get a C, you feel like you wasted your time. Well, I?ve decided to write this paper on something that really caught my attention, something I that really interested me. While I was researching my previous topic for this paper, Language in Advertising and the Psychology Behind It, I came across a web site dedicated to commonly confused words. After reading a few I felt really stupid because I didn?t know the difference between a number of the sets of words. I then went on a hunt for other sites that featured commonly confused words, and I found a ton. I decided to ditch the old topic and write the paper on commonly confused words. It subject relates to the course and intrigues me. I?ve compiled a list of the most commonly confused words which starts on the next page.

1) Affect / Effect

Affect is a verb meaning ? to influence or change.?

Effect is usually a noun meaning ? result.? (3)

2) Accuracy / Precision

Accuracy is the agreement between the true value and the result obtained by the measurement.

Precision is the agreement among repeated measurements of the same quantity. (1)

3) Alright / All right

Alright is not a word.

All right is two words. (1)

4) Allusion / Illusion

Allusion is a noun that means an indirect response.

Illusion is a noun that means a misconception. (4)

5) Amusement Park / Theme Park

An amusement park is where people go to have fun with food, rides, and shows.

A theme park is an amusement park with a theme, a subject that everything in the park has in common. (4)

6) Alternate / Alternative

Alternate is to occur in successive turns; first one, then the other.

Alternative means substitute or second choice. (1)

7) Assure / Insure / Ensure

Assure means to convince or to guarantee.


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