Реферат: Words Essay Research Paper WORDSthe ones we

Discreet means prudent, circumspect, or modest.

Discrete means separately or individually distinct. (4)

18) Disinterested / Uninterested

Disinterested means unbiased or impartial.

Uninterested means not interested or indifferent. (3)

19) Dough / Batter

Dough is a thick mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is usually rolled or shaped into bread and other baked goods.

Batter is a thinner mixture than dough and is made of flour and liquid. (4)

20) Envy / Jealousy

Envy is the desire to have something that another person has and the feelings of resentment or unhappiness at the person?s having it.

Jealousy is like envy but includes suspicion and competition. (2)

21) Elicit / Illicit

Elicit is a verb meaning to bring out or evoke.

Illicit is an adjective meaning unlawful. (3)

22) Eminent / Imminent

Eminent means outstanding or distinguished.

Imminent means expressed directly or clearly defined. (3)

23) Explicit / Implicit

Explicit means expressed directly or clearly defined.

Implicit means implied, unstated. (3)

24) Farther / Further

Farther is an adjective and adverb that means to or at a more distant point.

Further means to or at a greater extent or degree, also in addition or moreover. (1)

25) Figuratively / Literally

Figuratively means metaphorically or symbolically.

Literally means word for word or according to the exact meaning of words. (4)

26) Flack / Flak

Flack is a pejorative word for someone engaged in public relations.

Flak is anti-aircraft fire. (1)

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