Реферат: Working capital
- Work in progress and semifinished products of own manufacture;
- Expenses of future periods. Production Inventory
- is the subject of work that are not yet involved in the production process and are at under run enterprises in the form of stocks.
Unfinished production and semi-finished products of own production of it that has not yet passed all siadiy processing. Deferred expenses is nerechovi elements of current assets, which include the cost of training and development of new products, taking place in this period but will be repaid in the future. Turnover of business assets in their movement are also associated with the funds circulation serving the sphere of circulation. They include the end products, finished products, which is shipped and in transit, cash in current and other accounts, cash in pending settlements, including accounts receivable and cash on hand. [6, c. 81]
Funds circulation - is the residue of finished products in stock companies shipped but not paid for the goods and the balances of enterprises on the current account at a bank office, in the calculation of receivables and enclosed in a short-term securities. Some practical importance are identification and evaluation of the structure of current assets. They (the funds) are used more efficiently when their greater part is occupied in the production. Stay current assets in circulation - only a necessary condition for the continuity of the process of reproduction, but this part of the enterprise funds is not directly involved in establishing the value of manufactured products. [5, p.. 151]
Structure of working capital - a share of the cost of certain articles of current production assets and funds in the total turnover of working capital. Structure of working capital is considerable variation in individual sectors of the economy. It depends on the composition and structure of production costs, conditions of supply of goods, conditions of production (of the works provided in servants) calculations. If we consider the structure of current assets in certain industries, it should be noted that the coal industry, as has been said, a significant proportion are deferred expenses. This is relatively high preparation costs prior to mining operations (planning for future development of overburden, construction of mines and other). [17, sec. 145] Thus, working capital (working capital) - this means, pre-paid in the current business assets and funds of circulation for the continuity of the process of production, sales and profit.
1.2 Classification and principles of working capital
Company's current assets are classified on three grounds:1) depending on their participation in the circulation of money;2) methods of planning, principles of organization and regulation;3) the sources of formation.According to the first signs of current assets divided by current assets, pre-paid in the current business assets and working capital, pre-paid funds in circulation.This division caused by the availability of working capital funds kruhobihu in two separate areas - the production and circulation areas. The higher proportion of current assets placed in production, the working capital is used efficiently. [17, sec. 146 - 147]Depending on how planning working capital divided by the normalized and normalizedThe need for allocation of current assets to a normalized and normalized results from feasibility to achieve best results at least cost. Setting standards for selected areas of working capital enables enterprises to ensure business continuity in terms of optimal inventory, size of production idle, remnants of finished products.Called normalized current assets, which obchys lyuyetsya standard. These include inventory, ready to induction, work in progress, prepaid expenses and others. Calculation standards (minimum requirements) for these types of company-defense assets enables them to ensure effective use ample and normal production process. [18, sec. 188]From points is current assets, which are not standard The calculations lyuyetsya.
To irregular working capital include:
- Facilities for goods shipped by the buyer;
- Cash in bank accounts and cash in the company - the remains of temporary facilities to be used for intended use (not included in the budget payments on profits, value added tax, the balance of funds and other economic incentives.)
- Accounts Receivable - temporary diversion of the turnover of one company at the disposal of another. Share of receivables within working capital small irregular, but to further strengthen economic and financial discipline is a challenge every company fully with its reduction;
- Means in the calculations are not directly linked to production activities, ie, in transactions with banks and in terms of special funds, reserves and target financing from the budget.Circulation of businesses are in constant motion, moving from one stage to another circuit. [6. 83]From points Current Assets include funds circulation except finished products in stock.
According to the sources of working capital is divided into:1) and equal to their own;2) involved;3) other.Classification of current assets is important, as it enables the company to determine the optimal composition and structure, needs and sources of working capital. From this largely depends on the financial position of the enterprise.The system of working capital based on certain principles.First, granting autonomy to enterprises rozporyad-tion, management of working capital. This means operational independence in the use of working capital.Second, determine the needs and the planned allocation of working capital for the individual elements and units. Implicit calculation of the optimal requirements for working capital, which would ensure the continuity of the production process, performance targets for the rhythmic work (development of standards and long duration of annual requirements).
Thirdly, the adjustment calculated and applicable regulations including requirements management, change: output, prices for raw materials, suppliers and customers; used forms of payment.Fourth, rational system of financing current assets. This means the formation of working capital from their own resources and raised funds in amounts that provide financial condition to normal.Fifthly, the control over rational deployment and utilization of current assets. This refers to the analysis of efficiency kruhooborotu funds are used to accelerate their rotation. [17, sec. 147 - 148]The need for working capital is calculated for each group to create inventories of stock and in operation. Due to the fact that the cost of little value and wearing items that are in operation, is accounted for net of depreciation, other costs charged to cost of production during the transfer from the operation.1.3. Cost effectivenessNegotiable funds riznohaluzevyh enterprises in the country represent a significant portion of their material and financial assets.
Therefore, rational and economical use of working capital entity has considerable economic importance. To evaluate the efficiency of working capital production plants use certain indicators, and to improve efficiency - the specific measures. (Fig. 1.2) [5, p.. 156]Effective use of working capital is characterized by their rotation speed, reversibility. Acceleration of turnover of these funds causes: first, increased production per unit cash operating costs of the enterprise, and secondly, the release of funds and thus create additional reserves to expand production.Turnover ratio (turnover number) is calculated by dividing cost of sales at current wholesale prices for the period to the average balance of current assets over the same period. Index, which is inverse with respect to the number of turns, promoted as the load factor. It shows how much working capital (in units of shares) falling within each currency sales. [5, p.. 157]
Duration one turnover in days (or turnover rate) of working capital is defined as the ratio of the number of days in billing period (for the quarter - 90 days of the year - 360 days) and ratio of the same period. To characterize the economic efficiency of working capital can apply their rate of return, calculated as the ratio of profits to the sum of its current assets.
As a result of accelerated turnover of financial (cash) costs reduced demand for them, the process of release of these funds with turnover. There are absolute (decrease the desired amount of money) and relative (sales of more products at a fixed sum of money by improving their use) the release of money from circulation.Among measures to improve the efficiency of turnover funds are an important place belongs to optimize inventory. It is connected with optimization of the largest reserves reducing inventories in the business especially with materialomistkym production. Reducing the length of the production cycle for such enterprises in all one day you can reduce the amount of work in progress amounting to more than 2 million grams. units.
If you speed up the implementation of products and one day, then maybe the release of working capital will be approximately 1 / 3 the volume of the finished product remains in the enterprise. [5, p.. 157 - 159]The lower the load current prob ture, the more effectively they are used.Effectiveness ratio of current assets (CE), describes the amount of income that falls to 1 USD.Acceleration of turnover of working capital contributes to their absolute and relative to the release of defense mouth.In absolute release means reducing the amount of current assets in the current year compared to last year with an increase of about mestic production.Relative release occurs when the growth rate of sales growth ahead of company- defense capabilities. In this case, less-defense company-provided means bigger sales. In connection with the growth of the total of payments due to high inflation, an absolute release of circulating funds is not so special attention should be at divide the analysis and creation of conditions for the relative release of resources.General release is defined as the sum of absolute and relative foot release. Drugs released from service, used to increase production and sales, goods and services, strengthen the financial condition of the company. [6. 107 - 108]Planning of working capital is subject to estimates of production costs and non-production needs and business plan that covers and connects the industrial and financial performance, creating just that the conditions for successful business operations and business development.
2. Planning requirements current assets
2.1 Normalization of current assets and determining the need for them
Household and business activity is impossible without working capital. This need is one of the objects of the financial planning and accounting for and reporting. Size of working capital, which forms part of every current assets must meet the needs and possibilities of creation and sales. In the process of business enterprise direct effect on growth efficiency of current assets (inventory optimization, reducing the duration of the production cycle, improvement of logistics, sales acceleration time). However, resources are directed to production due to inefficient use do not give good value. Therefore, significant importance is the determination of economic efficiency of current vehicles. [21]
In addition, there is a need in the planning of financial resources for ancillary and subsidiary, housing and public utilities, welfare institutions and other non-industrial nature. Defining the needs of current assets through their normalization. Normalization of working capital presupposes that many factors that affect the economic activity of enterprises. The enterprises production sphere to them include: terms of the supply business inventories: the number of suppliers, delivery time, the amount of transit parties, the number of items of goods, forms of payment for material values; organization of the production process: the duration of the production cycle, expenditure allocations for the production cycle, the range of output; terms of sales: the number of consumers of finished products, their remoteness, destination products, subject to its transportation, forms of payment for shipped products. [17, sec. 148 - 147]
Turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of current annual turnover of their annual average number of revolutions and indicates who made the working capital for the period. The more turns carry current assets, the more effectively they are used: [C. 78 Makarovska EP]
K_ob = O_r / S_ob (2.1)
where Kob - turnover ratio; Or - an annual turnover of circulating assets; Sob - the average value of current assets. In ratio of applying auxiliary parameters, such as playing one turnover includes the number of days during which current assets make one turn and load factor of current assets. As far as the following formulas: [10, sec. 78]
O_t = D_n / K_ob (2.2)
K_z = S_ob / O_r (2.3)
That's where - playing one turnover; Days - Number of days in a year (usually take 360); Circuit - the load factor of current assets. Load factor current assets enables to estimate the amount of current assets to 1 USD sales. Less current means used for the production of products sold per 1 USD, the rational and better use them. Actually, all three indices are identical, but each of them differently expressed: the first - in quality ratio, the second - in the days of turnover, the third - in terms of money. Thus, the auxiliary parameters are derived from the ratio of the same and characterize the effectiveness of current assets, just with different positions [2, sec. 239] Planning of working capital is subject to estimates of production costs and non-production needs and business plan that covers and connects the industrial and financial performance, creating just that the conditions for successful business operations and business development.