Реферат: Working capital
Also, companies use these ways to improve the use of company- defense funds and current assets:
- Introduction of non-waste production technologies;
- Complex use of raw materials;
- High-quality preparation of raw materials for production; - Improving the regulatory framework;
- Support equipment in proper working order and strict observance-ing requirements of the process;
- Reduce production time product (reducing production nychoho cycle);
- Reducing inventory by improving organizing logistics, reduce dal Nosta their transportation;
- Improvement of settlements with customers and other measures that to improve the financial and payment discipline. [10, sec. 79]
Acceleration of turnover and current assets under vyrobnytsva achieved mainly by reducing the production cycle. The desire to save material resources leads to the introduction of new techniques and improvement processes. Savings in the consumption of material resources promotes better use of production capacity and improve social productivity. Economic efficiency of improving the use and cost of working funds is quite large, since they affect all the parties to the industrial and business enterprises.
For the normal functioning of every company needed working capital, representing cash used for purchase now circulating funds and funds turnover. Current Assets, ie, material resources as opposed to fixed assets used in one production cycle, and their cost is transferred to the product immediately and completely. For objective evaluation of current assets at the present stage of economic development should apply a system of indicators: indicators of turnover, performance materials consumption expenditures, liquidity ratios, performance of investments in accounts receivable, your return on assets. Using these figures the economy will be able to fully analyze the efficiency of using circulating assets and based on it seek to increase their use. The availability of sufficient working capital enterprises optimal structure - a necessary prerequisite for its normal functioning and financial stability in a market economy. In turn, the effectiveness of the organization and management of circulating capital depends on the level and consistency of processes orhanizatsiynosti analysis of circulating capital in the previous period, working capital planning, monitoring implementation and management decisions for how to improve working capital.
Release of working capital provides a range of positive effects:
- Production is at a lower cost of working capital;
- Released material resources;
- Accelerating revenue in the budget allocations from the profit; Improve the financial situation of enterprises, because the financial resources released as a result of accelerated turnover of excess funds, they remain to the end of the year before the company and can be happily used (profitably invested). Thus, an important issue for enterprises is to ensure the preservation of working capital. While financial planning is important to determine the possible presence of excess or shortage of working capital at the end of the scheduled period.
This amount is expected urivnyuyetsya availability of their own company's current assets at the end of the planned period of its aggregate demand for current assets. If demand exceeds the planned amount of their circulating capital, shortages in their own working capital. Companies who have committed a lack of working capital, can eliminate it from their own and temporarily by borrowed funds, choosing the optimal structure to raise funds.
The main purpose of asset management businesses, including working capital, is to maximize return on invested capital while providing stable and adequate solvency. Moreover, these problems to some extent opposed to each other. Thus, to maximize your return funds should be invested in various working and non-current assets, with several more deliberately than money liquidity.
And to sustain the solvency of the enterprise should constantly be on account of some amount of funds actually withdrawn from circulation for current payments. An important task in working capital management is to ensure optimal balance between solvency and profitability by supporting the appropriate size and structure of current assets. It should also be noted that the company should maintain the optimal mix of own and borrowed current assets, because this depends on its financial stability and independence and the possibility of obtaining new loans.
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