Реферат: Working capital
12. Planning activity: Teach. Manual. To / Off. yet. VE Moskaluk. - K.: MBK, 2005. - 384 p..
13. Tarasyuk, GM, Schwab L. planning of the enterprise. Teach. Manual. - K.: "Caravel, 2003. - 432 sec.
14. Tarasenko NV Economic Analysis of Industrial Enterprises / NV Tarasenko. - Lviv: LBI, 2000. - 485 sec.
15. Sopko V. Organization of accounting, control and economic analysis: textbook. / V. Sopko, VP Zavgorodniy. - K.: MBK, 2004. - 412 sec.
16. Slav'yuk R. A. Finances. - K.: teach. l-ri, 2004. - 460 sec.
17. Finances: Textbook / manager auth. count. and Sciences. yet. Sci. AM Poddyerohin. 3 rd ed., Revised. and add. - K.: MBK, 2000. - 460 sec., Il.
18. Filimonenkov OS Finances: Teach. Manual. - 2 nd ed., Revised. and Abstr. - K.: AIDP, 2004. - 328 p.: ill. - Ref.: C. 318-321.
19. Schwab LI Business enterprises. - K.: Caravel, 2005. - 568 sec.
20. Shvaika LA planning business: a tutorial. - Lviv: "New World - 2000 - 2003. - 268 sec.
21. Electronic resource http://www.studentbooks.com.ua/content/view/111/39/1/29/.