Статья: Органы внутренних дел в зеркале криминологических исследований

[14] Reiner R., Policing. Vol. I and II. Aldershot, Dartmouth, 1996

[15] Skolnick J., Justice Without Trial. New York: Wiley, 1966; Bordua D., ed, The Police Six Sociological Essays. New York: Wiley, 1967

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[19] Clarke A. (1983), 'Holding the Blue Lamp Television and the Police in Britain' Crime and Social Justice, 19, 1983, pp. 44-51; Reiner, R.'The Politics of Police Research', in M.Weatheritt, ed., Police Research: Some Future Prospects. Aldershot Avebury, 1989

[20] Mark R., In the Office of Constable. London, 1978

[21] Banton M., The Policeman in the Community. London: Tavistock, 1964

[22] Торнвальд Ю. Век криминалистики: Пер. с нем. – 3-е изд.-М.:Прогресс, 1991, c.56

[23] Gouldner, A., Patterns of Industrial Bureacracy. London: Routledge, 1954

[24] Leishman F., Loveday B. and Savage S., ed. Core Issues in Policing. London: Longman, 1996

[25] Smith D. et al., Police and People in London. Vols 1-4. London Policy Studies Institute, 1983

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