Топик: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate)
Exercise 1
show off-boast turnup-arrive find out - discover own up - admit doze off- fall responsibility
asleep cheer up - be hold on - wait happier speak up - talk go out - stop
louder burning set off - begin a shut up-be quiet
journey stay in - not go blow up - explode out, stay at home settle down - have
a calmer, more
stable life
Exercise 2
a owns up i dozed off b went out j find out c '11 turn up k Shut up d set off 1 Hold on e Cheer up m Speak up f showing off ' n blew up g stay in h settled down
11 Diphthongs Exercise 1
a /pei/ e /dis/ b /rait/ f /boi/ c /faun/ g /tus/ d /round/ h /fea/
Exercise 2
a near e page b care f join c throw g town d flight h fewer
Exercise 3
1'v.l (2) /ei/ (1 ) /u:/(4) /so/(3)
/3:/(5) /3:/(6) /3:/(8) /I8/(7)
/s:/ (10) /a:/ (9)
/au/(ll) /so/(12)
/u:/ (13) /so/ (14)
/u:z/(17) /suz/(15) /aus/(16)
/u:z/(19) /u:s/(18)
/cm/(22) /u:m/(21) /sum/(20)
/ol/(23) /sul/(24) /Am/(26)
/somf (25) ls\l (27) (28) /ei/(29) /e/(30) /u/ (33) /u:/(32) /a/ (31) /ud/ (35) /sold/ (34) /su/(38) /a/(36) /o/(37)
Unit 4
1 Countable or uncountable?
a luggage f unemployment b food g accommodation c cash h health d corn i music e fruit j traffic
2 some or any?
a any d some any b some/any any e any any c Some any f some some