Топик: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate)

a Is there much work ...? b I didn't spend much time .'.. c Did they do much research ...? d They couldn't give me much

information ... e There is too much traffic ... f I didn't have too many problems...

4 The canteen

Exercise 1 (Sample answers) a There are lots of cheese sandwiches. b There are a few ham sandwiches. c There's a huge amount of spaghetti. d There's only a little rice and

vegetable curry. e There are a few hamburgers. f There are no chips. g There's hardly any fruit salad.

h There are a couple of bananas. i There aren't many doughnuts. j There's hardly any apple juice.

Exercise 2

a 's lots f are a few b a few g 's only a little c 's only a little h 've got a couple d aren't any (left) i a little e a little j lots

5 very little, a little, very few, a few, fewer, less

a a few chips

b a little whisky

c Children have less respect for their

teachers than they used to. d very few e a little Swedish f Fewer people . g Very few people h a few years

i There's very little I can do ... j a few of them

6 From riches to rags Exercise 1

a many k all b hardly any/ 1 a large number

very little m very little/ c a few hardly any d a huge amount n fewer e no o less f few p none g nobody q a lot h much r a couple i most s anything j several t Something

Exercise 2

a Fred has no relatives. b Fred didn't talk to anyone about his

grief. c People were friendly to Fred

because he had a lot of money. d He invested a lot/a huge amount of

his money. e Fred had a little money left when

Barings went bankrupt. f Nobody helped Fred when he ran

out of money. g Fred has made a couple of real

friends. h Fred has learned a lot from his


7 something, anybody,

everyone, nowhere... Exercise 1

a somewhere h anywhere b anyone i someone c everywhere j something

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