Топик: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate)

a 10 b 13 c 7 d 9 e 1 f 2 gl4 h4 ill j3 k5 16 m 12- n 8

10 a three-mile walk

a a ten-pound g a ten-page letter

note h a three-year b a four-week course

language course i a ten-year c a three-hour sentence

drive j a five-star hotel d a three-course k a 30-mile-an-

meal hour speed e a two-week limit

holiday 1 a two-hundred-f a two-hour year-old house


11 People, places, and things

People: obstinate cunning spoilt

aggressive arrogant easy-going Places: breathtaking unspoilt

picturesque deserted overgrown

overcrowded Things: automatic hand-made

accurate waterproof artificial


12 Similar words

a illegible g truthful b unreadable h true c childish i intolerant d childlike j intolerable e sensitive k economic f sensible 1 economical

13 Adjective + preposition

a of b with, for c for d of e of f with/in g from, to h about i to j of k of 1 for m for n about o with

14 Silent consonants

Exercise 1 A

industry computer continent recipe eccentric insect lamp hooligan stadium forest citizen B

bomb listen gadget honest receipt mortgage fasten heirloom whistle straight fascinating sandwich exhausted

Exercise 2

a scientific g climb b psychologist h grandfather c handsome i campaign d research j Wednesday e Christmas k calm f friendship 1 whisky

Unit 7

1 Basic verb patterns

a I enjoy cooking. I find it very

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