Топик: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate)
e nightclub nightmare night shift f briefcase suitcase bookcase g paper bag plastic bag
h rainbow raincoat raindrop i sunshine sunrise sunset j roadworks road sign road rage k blackboard floorboard
1 daylight daybreak day-dream m handshake handwriting
n ice-cube iceberg ice-rink o birthday cake birthday present
birthday card
p landscape landlady landslide q sports car sports centre
sports ground r address book visitors' book
11 Phrasal verbs type 4
a away from g up for b down on h away with c on with i up with d up to j out with e down on k up against f away with 1 in with
12 Weak and strong forms Exercise 1
a She isn't going to learn from this
experience, but he is. b I've heard that you're thinking of
moving from London. Are you? c They have dinner at seven, don't
they? d You'll be able to get a ticket for me,
won't you? e Rye got no idea who this letters
from. f Can't you remember who Bill used
to work for? g I've been^ waiting for you to come.
Where were you? h We'd been looking forward to
coming for ages, then at the last
minute we weren't able to. i Won't you sit down for a couple of
Exercise 2
A What are you doing at the
weekend? A We're going to Scotland. Do you
want to come too? A We've decided to camp. None of us