Топик: Replacement Housing (Помещения для ремонтного молодняка)
Ø Heifer housing:
ü 6-8 months
ü 9-12 months
ü 13-15 months (breeding age)
ü 16-24 months
The number of replacement animals to be housed depends on the number of milking cows and bred heifers. As herd size increases, so does number of replacements. Increasing herd size without expanding facilities for replacements results in crowding which can increase injury, disease transmission, and lower growth rates.
Table 1. Typical management categories of a herd. [1]
This table is only a management guideline. These are categories and not group size
Herd size = total cows |
75 |
100 |
250 |
400 |
Calves and heifers 0-2 months, 150 lb 3-5 months, 250 lb 6-8 months, 400 lb 9-12 months, 600 lb 13-15 months, 800 lb 16-24 months, 1,000 lb |
75 6 9 9 14 9 29 |
100 8 К-во Просмотров: 555
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