Топик: Список + все темы по английскому языку для сдачи выпускного экзамена в 11 классе 2001 года

What is the official name of the USA?

What city is the capital of the USA?

How many states does the USA have? Name some of them.

What places of interest in the United States would you like to visit? Why?

What is a true/typical American like?

Which famous Americans do you know? Speak about your favourite one.

  1. London.

What parts does London divided into?

Why is the central square in London named Trafalgar square?

What is the West end famous for?

What is situated in the East end?

Why is the City called the business center of London?

What do you know about the British Museum and the National Gallery?

  1. Books and libraries.

Have you got many books in your home library?

Who usually buys books in your family?

Are there different reading tastes in your family?

What do you think of poetry? Is a book the best present for you?

What kind of books do you enjoy reading? Explain why.

Who is your favourite Russian/British/ American writer?

Which of his/her books do you like best of all?

Say a few words about the writer and the book.

Why do some people prefer to watch TV

adaptations of novels instead of reading books?

Do you think reading books will be

popular in the 21st century? Share your opinion.

  1. Holidays in Russia and English-speaking countries.

What would you tell your British/American friend about traditional Russian holidays?

Which international holidays do you know?

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