Топик: Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследование проблемы алкоголизма среди студентов)

The list of questions.

1. Your sex:

M___ F____

3. Your speciality?

A) Economics B) Management C) Sociology D) ICEF

2. Your attitude to the alcohol ?

А) Negative

B) Simply do not like, when there is someone drunk beside me.

C) Neutral

D) Positive

3. Do you drink alcohol?

А) Yes C) Did not ever try.

B) No

4. If not, why? ______________________________________________

5. If yes, in what age did you try it the first time (approximately)?

A) 5-10 years D) 15-17 years

B) 10-13 years E) 17 and over

C) 13-15 years

6. How often do you drink alcohol?

А) Almost every day B) Less than three times a week

C) Less than two times a month

7. Do your parents drink (in general)?

А) No C) Yes, only mother

B) Yes, only father D) Both

8. With whom do you usually drink (the most often case)?

А) With friends from the university B) With other friend/buddies

C) With parents

9. Can you drink alone?

А) Yes, happened to be B) No

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