Топик: Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследование проблемы алкоголизма среди студентов)
19. Comparing with the previous year, do you drink:
А) Less/less frequent C) As much/with the same frequency
B) More/more often
20. Did alcohol affect your study results, from your point of view?
А) No B) Yes, they become better C) Yes, they become worse.
21. How did you pass the previous exams/entry exams?
A) Excellent B) Well
C) Satisfactory D) Failed
22. Why do you drink alcohol? (Several answers are possible)
А) To remove stress
B) To raise the mood
C) To support to company
D) To celebrate some holiday
E) Your variant of answer_________________________________
23. Do you care, what others think, when they see you drunken? (Except people, who know you)
А) No, if they are not policemen B) Yes
24. Have you ever had extrinsic behavioural manifestations (aggressiveness/depression) connected with the consumption of alcohol?
А) Yes B) No
25. Did you have blackouts (of a non- traumatic nature)?
А) Yes, once/sometimes B) No
26. Do you smoke?
А) Yes
B) No
27. Do you take drugs, even the weakest ones?
А) Yes, have tried once C) Yes
B) Yes, but very- very rarely D) No
The analysis of a data received.
I have got 21 male and 15 female respondents. Among these people there are only 1 men and 1 women who do not drink alcohol at all.
The attitude towards the alcohol is distributed as following: 39% - positive (among them: 13- men and only 1 woman); 39%- neutral (among them: 6 men and 8 women); 22%- simply do not like, when there is someone drunk beside them (among them: 2 men and 6 women) and none of the respondents said that their attitude is negative.
29% of male and 27% of female respondents have parents who do not drink at all. 4% of male and 13% of female students have only father who drinks (in general) and 4% and 6% respectively- only mother. The percentage of both parents drinking (in general) is 62 for men and 53 for women. This way the difference between the current and the next generation (the youth) can be shown. As we see from this data, the percentage of non-drinking parents is far from 1/21 and 1/15 (5% and 7%) of their offsprings. Most of the men drink with their friends from the university (55%) and the largest part of female responses to this question fall on the answer B)-with other friends/buddies (50%).