Топик: The History of Alaska история Аляски
Act Amendments, was signed by President Regan.
The amendments gave more flexibility to the
corporations managing Settlement lands.
March 24
- In 1989 , the oil tanker Exxon Valdez went aground on Bligh
Reef, pouring almost 11 million gallons of oil into
Prince William Sound.
May 29
- In 1993 , the Umbrella Final Agreement is signed by
representatives of the Council for Yukon Indians
and the Yukon and federal governments,
establishing the basic format for all 14 Yukon First
Nations land claims agreements.
Summing up to the aforesaid, it would be desirable to emphasize, that Alaska is a crossroads of a sea, air truck transport between Northern America, Asia and the Europe, that’s why Alaska is one of the most perspective states of USA by way of development of economy and tourism. The variety of riches of culture, an abundance of national parks attracts tourists from the world.
The considerable contribution to development of Alaska was brought by Russian empire. The general past, the general cultural wealth is what unites Russia and Alaska and today.
The list of literature.
1. Джеймс Микэнер «Аляска».
2. Боб Черрай «Дух Ворона».
3. Marcia Simpson «Rogue's Yarn», «Crow in Stolen Colors»,
«Sound Tracks».
4. Gore Vidal «Williwaw».
5. Borneman «The Native People of Alaska»
6. http://www.encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com
7. http://www.alaskacam.com