Учебное пособие: English in business
on this?
Are we in a position to take a decision?
2 Defining the decision-making process
How should we decide this? Who needs to be consulted? Who should take the final decision?
I think we need to decide on a new logo.
Could you let me have a decision by next
Well, we can decide when we get the extra
I think we need to discuss . . .
We need to involve .. .
The person ultimately responsible is . . .
3 Collecting information
What do we need to know to take a decision? Why can't we take a decision? What information are we waiting for?
4 Setting criteria
What criteria are we going to use?
On what basis will we take our decision?
What is important here?
We need information about. . .
We don't have enough information on...
We are waiting for confirmation of. . .
Our decision should be based on . . . I think the decision should be driven by The deciding factor will be ...
5 Deciding on an option
What do you think we should do? Which option is best for you? What is your decision?
I think we should . . .
In my opinion we should decide to.
My decision is to . . .
6 Implementing the decision
What do we need to do to implement