Учебное пособие: English in business
· Where are you taking people?
Team focus
· What do you see as your greatest strength in team?
· What do your colleagues admire most about you?
· What's special about working with you in a team?
Technical ability
· Where are you excellent?
· What are you known for doing better than others?
· What is your particular genius?
Pragmatic results
· What have you achieved that you are most proud of?
· What will you deliver to your management?
· What unique benefits do you offer the customer?
c) Promote your personal brand. No matter how good a brand is, it will be of little value if it isn't promoted well. That is why companies spend millions on advertising to increase the visibility of their brands. The same is true of personal branding. It is essential to move on from creating the brand to making sure it is experienced by key stakeholders — that is, the people with whom you work and who have direct or indirect influence over your career development.
3 Read the first part of the text quickly once more and find the words and phrases that match the definitions below:
a) excellent knowledge or skill in your professional subject
b) the feature of being very special, unusual
c) the relationships between people in business, organization
d) something important in your job that you hope to achieve
e) the process of creating your special image
f) the state of being more popular
g) the main personal characteristics
(personal branding, greater visibility, working partnerships, meaning career goals,
key qualities, uniqueness, technical expertise)
4 Read the second paragraph, discuss the importance of the enlisted benefits. Which one is the most important in your opinion? Write the list of the benefits of personal branding in the order of importance from your point of view.
5 Read the third paragraph and
a) name the three key steps in creating a personal brand (don’t look into the text)
b) answer the questions from part 1 in close pairs, then in open pairs
c) speak about your uniqueness using four key aspects of working life from part “d”. You will find some useful examples of language to answer the questions in the survival guide section .