Учебное пособие: Gymnastics

Anything new and interesting is always quickly taken up. And this has been the case with rhythmic gymnastics. It was enough for the girls to show their art in other countries and this purely Russian type of gymnastics soon became international. The first World Championship in 1963 in Budapest gave Soviet gymnasts a double victory.

The first Belarusian Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics became Marina Lobach in Seoul.

Marina was not a greenhorn when she went in Seoul. Her sporting biography was highly presentable: a many-time winner of the National Cup, the 1988 all-round champion of the country, the 1988 World and European champion in individual rhythmic gymnastics events and what she did on the mat in Seoul was nothing short of a miracle. Each of her performances was acclaimed with a storm of applause and the judges gave Marina’s virtuosity the 10.0 point rating.


I. Divide the text into fragments in accordance with their contents. Entitle each fragment.

II. Using the material of the paragraphs and your own knowledge of rhythmic gymnastics answer the following questions:

1. What is rhythmic gymnastics?

2. What do gymnasts do in this sport?

3. How are the routines performed in rhythmic gymnastics?

4. How are contestants judged in rhythmic gymnastics?

5. When did rhythmic gymnastics become an event in the Summer Olympic Games?

6. When did the sport begin?

7. Where was rhythmic gymnastics as an independent form of sports born?

8. Who is considered the pioneer of rhythmic gymnastics?

9. Why did rhythmic gymnastics attain great popularity?

10. Who is the first Belarusian Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics?

III. Give the main points of the history of rhythmic gymnastics.


Жулкевская, Г. В. Gymnastics=Гимнастика : учеб. пособие по англ. яз. для студентов II курса БГУФК / Г. В. Жулкевская; Бел. гос. ун-т физ. культуры. – 2-е изд. – Мн.: БГУФК, 2005. – 31 с.

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