Учебное пособие: Gymnastics

v поворачиваться, вращаться

e.g. The competitor may twist or turn before landing.

35. averagen среднее число (величина)

e.g. The gymnast’s final score comes from an average of his two vaults.

36. apartadv врозь, широко, в отдельности

e.g. The parallel bars are two long wooden bars about 16.5 centimetres high and slightly more than shoulder width apart.

37. handstandnстойканаруках

e.g. The gymnast supports himself on the bars with his hands while performing handstands.

38. supportswing размахивание в упоре

swingtohandstandстойка на руках из упора махом назад

39. holdnхват, захват, выдержка (статический элемент)

vхватать, держать, выдерживать, фиксировать

e.g. The gymnast may perform several holding positions on the parallel bars.

40. reverseaобратный (хват, мах)

vвыполнять в другую сторону, плечом назад

e.g. The competitor must reverse his position on the bar .

41. staggerv шататься

42. gripn хват (на параллельных брусьях)

43. regainvвозвратить, получатьобратно

e.g. On the bar the competitor releases his grip and regains while in the air.

44. dismountnсоскок

vвыполнять соскок

e.g. Many gymnasts finish their performance with a spectacular dismount from the bar.

45. all-around competition nсоревнованиепомногоборью

e.g. All-around competition for men consists of six events.

46. all-aroundgymnasticschampionn

чемпион в гимнастическом многоборье, абсолютный чемпион по гимнастике

Task I V. The men’s gymnastics competition consists of six events. Read the text and draw up the programme of a men’s gymnastics competition.

Text 2.Men’s events

There are three types of gymnastics competitions: 1) artistic gymnastics; 2) rhythmic gymnastics and 3) acrobatics. Artistic gymnastics is gymnastics without apparatus and gymnastics on apparatus.

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