Учебное пособие: Gymnastics

20. switch vпереключать, менять

e.g. The gymnast switches the position of the legs, as he swings them from side to side.

21. frequently adv часто

e.g. The gymnast must frequently support himself with only one hand.

22. suspendv висеть, подвешивать

23. cablen канат, трос

e.g. The event is performed on two wooden rings suspended from cables.

24. graspnхват, сжатие

vхватать, сжимать, выполнять хват

e.g. The gymnast leaps up and grasps the rings.

25. cross n крест

e.g. Azaryan’s cross.

26. extendvвытягивать, протягивать

e.g. The sportsmen extended his arms sideways.

27. uprightaвертикальный, прямой

e.g. He supports himself in an upright position with his arms extended sideways.

28. remainvоставаться

e.g. The sportsman remained in the upright position.

29. motionless a неподвижный

e.g. The gymnast remained motionless.

30. resemblevбытьпохожим

e.g. The stand resembles the one on the pommel horse.

31. vaultnопорный прыжок

vвыполнять опорный прыжок

e.g. Men vault across the length of the horse.

32. approachvподходить, приближаться

e.g. He approached the parallel bars.

33. springboardnгимнастическиймостик

e.g. After a running start, the gymnast jumps from a springboard.

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