Учебное пособие: Контрольная работа по английскому языку

3. ________(we) is the last turn.

4. During the breaks they amused ________ (they) in the bar.

5. Ask ________ (she) about this book.

3. Перепишите предложения. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных:

1. The forebrain is further subdivided into the thalamus and hypothalamus.

2. Higher doses produce a turning inward and sleep.

3. The heaviest use of consumer psychology occurs in business and industry.

4. Some children learn two languages almost as easily as one.

5. The more you study the cleverer you will become.

4. Перепишите предложения, определите в каждом из них

видовременную форму сказуемого. Письменно переведите предложения на родной язык

1. The scientist uses testing in his research.

2. They will try to solve this important problem at the next meeting.

3. The lecturer described a new method in detail.

4. They have just spoken to the leading psychologist.

5. The scientists had carried out many experiments before they achieved satisfactory results.

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст:

Alfred Binet

Alfred Binet, French psychologiest known for his achievement in developing a standard intelligence test.

Binet was born on July 11, 1857, in Nice. He was educated at the Sorbonne, where he studied law. However, he decided to continue his studies in medicine and psychology. In 1889, at the Sorbonne, he helped to found the first psychological research laboratory in France. As director of the laboratory, Binet tried to develop experimental techniques to measure intelligence and reasoning ability. In 1895, he founded the first French psychological journal, L’Annee Psychologique (The Psychological Year), and used it to publish the results of his research studies.

Binet’s most important work was in intelligence testing. With his colleague, psychologists Theodore Simon, he developed a test to measure the mental ability of children. The Binet-Simon Scale first appeared in 1905. It was made up of problems designed to measure general intelligence, and items were graded according to age level. The child’s score, based on the number of correct answers, showed the child’s mental age.

Biten died in Paris on October 18, 1911. His work on intelligence measurement remained important among psychologists in other countries. The Standford-Binet Scale, an adaptation of Binet’s original test, was widely used for many years in the United States, where great importance was paid to intelligence testing.


Для студентов 1 курса, обучающихся по специальности



1. Перепишите предложения, определите функцию окончания – s , переведите предложения на родной язык:

1. The correct organization of a child’s learning leads to mental development.

2. Psychology occupies a strategic position between sciences and humanities.

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