Учебное пособие: Практикум з стилістики англійської мови
1. What are the main cases of morphemic foregrounding?
2. What are the functions of morphemic repetition?
3. How are morphemes foregrounded in occasional words?
4. What is the difference between occasional words and neologisms?
I. State the function of the following cases of morphemic repetition:
1. She unchained, unbolted and unlocked the door. (A.B.)
2. It was there again, more clearly than before: the terrible expression of pain in her eyes; unblinking, unaccepting, unbelieving pain. (D.U.)
3. We were sitting in the cheapest of all the cheap restaurants that cheapen that very cheap and noisy street, the Rue des Petites Champs in Paris. (H.)
4. Young Blight made a great show of fetching from his desk a long thin manuscript volume with a brown paper cover, and running his finger down the day's appointments, murmuring: "Mr. Aggs, Mr. Baggs, Mr. Caggs, Mr. Daggs, Mr. Faggs, Mr. Gaggs, Mr. Boffin. Yes, sir, quite right. You are a little before your time, sir." (D.)
5. Young Blight made another great show of changing the volume, taking up a pen, sucking it, dipping it, and running over previous entries before he wrote. As, "Mr. Alley, Mr. Bailey, Mr. Galley, Mr. Dalley, Mr. Falley, Mr. Galley, Mr. Halley, Mr. Lalley, 'Mr. Malley. And Mr. Boffin." (D.)
6. New scum, of course, has risen to take the place of the old, but the oldest scum, the thickest scum, and the scummiest scum has come from across the ocean. (H.)
7. At the time light rain or storm darked the fortress I watched the coming of dark from the high tower. The fortress with its rocky view showed its temporary darkling life of lanterns. (Jn. H.)
8. Laughing, crying, cheering, chaffing, singing, David Rossi's people brought him home in triumph. (H.C.)
9. In a sudden burst of slipping, climbing, jingling, clinking and talking, they arrived at the convent door. (D.)
10. The procession then re-formed; the chairmen resumed their stations, and the march was re-commenced. (D.)
11. The precious twins - untried, unnoticed, undirected - and I say it quiet with my hands down - undiscovered. (S.)
12. We are overbrave and overfearful, overfriendly and at the same time frightened of strangers, we're oversentimental and realistic. (P.St.)
13. There was then a calling over of names, and great work of singeing, sealing, stamping, inking, and sanding, with exceedingly blurred, gritty and undecipherable results. (D.)
14. The Major and the two Sportsmen form a silent group as Henderson, on the floor, goes through a protracted death agony, moaning and gasping, shrieking, muttering, shivering, babbling, reaching upward toward nothing once or twice for help, turning, writhing, struggling, giving up at last, sinking flat, and finally, after a waning gasp lying absolutely still. (Js.H.)
15. She was a lone spectator, but never a lonely one, because the warmth of company was unnecessary to her. (P. Ch.)
16. "Gentlemen, I put it to you"that this band is a swindle. This band is an abandoned band. It cannot play a good godly tune, gentlemen." (W.D.)
17. He wished she would not look at him in this new way. For things were changing, something was changing now, this minute, just when he thought they would never change again, just when he found a way to live in that changelessness. (R.W.)
18. Three million years ago something had passed this way, had left this unknown and perhaps unknowable symbol of its purpose, and had returned to the planets - or to the stars. (A. C.)
19. "Sit down, you dancing, prancing, shambling, scrambling fool parrot! Sit down!" (D.)
II. Analyze the morphemic structure and the purpose of creating the occasional words in the following examples:
1. The girls could not take off their panama hats because this was not far from the school gates and hatlessness was an offence. (M. Sp.)
2. David, in his new grown-upness, had already a sort of authority.(І.М.)
3. That fact had all the unbelievableness of the sudden wound. (R.W.)