Учебное пособие: Разработки мероприятий и уроков по английскому языку
— It's time to do the next task. You will get the card with three word combinations. Ask the questions to your friends using Present Indefinite.
Учительраздаеткарточкисразличнымисловосочетаниями. Словосочетания у всех учеников разные. Задание для учащегося: составить вопросы и задать их своим одноклассникам, используя настоящее неопределенное время.
То help about the house, to buy butter and milk, to write a letter to Granny.
Who helps about the house?
Do you go to the shop every day?
Do you write a letter to your Granny every month?
Конкурс 5. «Белый лепесток»
— Следующее задание — это игра «Расскажи о своем друге». Let's play the game "Tell me about your friend". Iwantyoutobeattentiveandactive.
Учитель предлагает учащимся прослушать предложения, изменить их и рассказать о своем друге.
1.I don't live in Moscow. (My friend doesn 't live in Moscow.)
2.I want to visit London. (She wants to visit London.)
3.We are proud of our family. (He is proud of his family.)
4.They like to go to the park. (He likes to go to the park.)
5.I visit this garden every week. (Jake visits this garden every week.)
6.I like this cat very much. (She likes this cat very much.)
7.I don't do my homework in the morning. (My friend doesn't do her homework in the morning.)
Конкурсв. «Фиолетовыйлепесток»
- The next task for you is to work in pairs and act out the dialogues. The topic of your dialogue will be "My friend's family". You have three minutes to divide into pairs and choose the picture.
Ученики делятся на пары и разыгрывают диалоги по теме «Семья моего друга». Учитель дает учащимся время на выбор картинок и составление диалога. Диалог должен включать приветствие и 4-6 вопроса. Примерный диалог: ~ Hello, Mike!
- Hello, Helen!
- Have you got a friend?
- Yes, I have. His name is Nick.
- How old is he?
- He is nine years old.
- Is his family large?
- No, his family is not very large. He has got a father, a mother and a brother.
- Has he got an aunt or an uncle?