1. "Have you ever been to France?" "Yes, I______there last Augus a) had been; b) went; c) have been d) were. 2. It's a small town in the south______England. a) -; b) from; c) to; d) of. 3. Couldn't you go a little...

1. "Have you ever been to France?" "Yes, I______there last Augus a) had been; b) went; c) have been d) were. 2. It's a small town in the south______England. a) -; b) from; c) to; d) of. 3. Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm______a hurry. a) on; b) in; c) at; d) of. 4. I usually wear skirts, but today I______trousers. a) wears; b) wear; c) wearing; d) am wearing. 5. It's Mr Smith,______? a) isn't it; b) isn't he; c) is it; d) is not it. 6. One of my neighbours has.______me to tea. a) invited; b) pleased; c) suggested; d) welcomed. 7. I'm______in the news. a) exciting; b) interesting; c) interested; d) interest. 8. "Must I take my umbrella?" "No, you______. It's not going to rain." a) mustn't; b) needn't; c) have to; d) don't. 9. I think John______translate this document. a) have to; b) will have; c) has; d) will have to. 10. I was a bit worried because I thought I might______my train. a) be late; b) not reach; c) lose; d) miss. 11. I______breakfast when the phone rang. a) had; b) have; c) am having; d) was having. 12. This car is more______than that one. a) fast; b) faster; c) modern; d) fastest.
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1-b 2-d 3- 4-d 5-a 6-a 7-c 8-b 9-a 10- 11-d 12-b
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