1. How long Mike (to live) … in this house? 2. I (to paint) … the room since morning but I (to do) … only half of it. 3. We already (to furnish) … all the rooms. 4. Why are your hands dirty? – Oh, I (to wash) … the windows sinc...

1. How long Mike (to live) … in this house? 2. I (to paint) … the room since morning but I (to do) … only half of it. 3. We already (to furnish) … all the rooms. 4. Why are your hands dirty? – Oh, I (to wash) … the windows since 9 o’clock. 5. You know, the Smiths (to move) … to a new house. 6. Our family always (to live) … in this very house. 7. The plumber (to install) … the central heating all these days. 8. They already (to hang) … all the pictures in the sitting-room. 9. My mum (to buy) … plants for each room this week. 10. They (to build) … a garage next to their house recently.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Lives 2. Paint, do 3. Furnished 4. Washed
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