1. If it … for her dad she would have never brought a new flat. А) was Б) was not В) had been Г) hadn’t been 2. - I’ll do the washing up tomorrow! - I’d rather you … it today. А) do Б) to do В) did Г) are doing 3. Having visite...

1. If it … for her dad she would have never brought a new flat. А) was Б) was not В) had been Г) hadn’t been 2. - I’ll do the washing up tomorrow! - I’d rather you … it today. А) do Б) to do В) did Г) are doing 3. Having visited Amsterdam we decided to visit … Hague. А) - Б) the В) an Г) a 4. Next summer he … in London for 4 years. А) will live Б) will be living В) will have lived Г) will have been living 5. Everytime I hear this song I can't but ... This is too … . А) falling asleep/graceful Б) falling asleep/soporific В) fall asleep/soporific Г) fall asleep/uplifting 6. I objected to … an essay but my teacher insisted … it. А) rewriting/for Б) rewriting/on В) rewrite/on Г) rewrite/ for 7. Tom is … it is always difficult for him to join a new company. А) reserved Б) well-groomed В) scruffy Г) sloppyВсероссийская предметная олимпиада по английскому языку для 11 классов I поток 2016/17 учебный год в рамках Всероссийского социального проекта «Страна талантов» 8.Mum’s at … school, discussing the matter with the head teacher. А) - Б) a В) an Г) the 9. … in the park he heard Chopin's mazurka … very badly. А) walking/playing Б) having walked/being played В) when walking/being played Г) walking/having played 10. Being abroad and not knowing any foreign language he … explain to the policemen that he … . А) managed/ had lost Б) managed to/ had been lost В) was able/lost Г) succeeded in/ had lost
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