1. This … a book. 2. These … long texts, and those … short texts. 3. Those doors … black. 4. That pencil … not black. It … red. 5. … thi

1. This … a book. 2. These … long texts, and those … short texts. 3. Those doors … black. 4. That pencil … not black. It … red. 5. … this book good? 6. Ben … my friend. 7. He … a teacher. 8. I … in my room. 9. Tommy and Billy … babies. 10. … Mike and Ann doctors? – Yes, they … . 11. … those men friends? – No, they … not. 12. Mary and I … friends. 13. You … welcome. 14. She … out at 10 yesterday. 15. It … 5 o’clock now. 16. How … you? – I … fine. 17. She and her children … at home yesterday in the evening. 18. … you glad to see her? – No, I … not. 19. It … a rainy yesterday. 20. It … not good to say so.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1-is 2-is 3-are 4-is 5-is 6-is 7-is 9 -are 10-Are 11-are 12-are 13-are 14-is 15-is 16-are и am 17-? 18-Are и am 19-is 20-is Если там два пропущенных мест ,а я написала одно ,значит пиши это и туда
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