1. ____this word in English? a) How do you call; b) How do you say; c) What do you say; d) How is called. 2. What______at the cinema tonight? a) is played; b) is on; c) is playing; d) are they play. 3. Here are your shoes. I__...

1. ____this word in English? a) How do you call; b) How do you say; c) What do you say; d) How is called. 2. What______at the cinema tonight? a) is played; b) is on; c) is playing; d) are they play. 3. Here are your shoes. I_____them. a) have just cleaned; b) have just been cleaned; c) did just clean; d) just cleaned. 4. I hope you know that you_______come with me if you don’t want to. a) can’t; b) mustn’t; c) don’t have to; d) don’t need. 5. “._______” “No, her eyes are sore, that’s why they are so red.” a) Has Sue crying? b) Did Sue cry? c) Had Sue cried? d) Has Sue been crying?. 6. “How long______your friend? " “Since 2000.” a) have you known; b) did you know; c) have you been knowing; d) do you know. 7. He asked me if I_______to swim across the river. a) was able; b) be able; c) could; d) am able. 8. I was just wondering if she_______about the tragedy. a) had told; b) has told; c) told; d) had been told. 9. I’m glad to hear that at least today’s_______cheerful. e) news is; f) news are; g) the news is; h) the news are. 10. ________wanted to see you yesterday. e) One of my friend; f) One my friend; g) A friend of mine; h) A friend of me. 11. “She said she had met my friend two weeks before,” “ e) Has; f) Did; g) Hadn’t; h) Didn’t. 12. He used_______cigarettes, but he doesn’t any more. e) smoke; f) to smoking; g) smoking; h) to smoke. 13. I’d have collected the money if he______asked me. e) has; f) had; g) would have 14. While everyone else______, she_____quietly in the kitchen, e) laughed — cryed; f) was laughing — was crying; g) was laughed — cried; h) laughed- was cried. 15. She will have_____ free time from now on. e) many; f) lot of; g) few; h) no, 16. He wanted to buy 4_______eggs and 3 , e) dozens — hundreds sheeps; f) dozens — hundred sheeps; g) dozen — hundred sheep; h) dozen — hundreds sheeps. 17. The problem is_______, than I thought. i) much worse; j) much more worse; k) much more bad; l) much worst. 18. She’ll call us________. i) 11 o’clock in this morning; j) at 11 o’clock this morning; k) on 11 o’clock this morning; l) on this morning at 11 o’clock. 19. Is he married or________? i) alone; j) lonely; k) single; l) free. 20. What are you going to do when you i) finished; j) ended; k) leave; l) complete.
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