1 Визначити часову форму та стан дієслова1. He was listened to with great attention.2. The doctor is feeling her pulse. 3. Tom has come back from school by 3 o`clock. 4. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 5. Did he fi...

 1 Визначити часову форму та стан дієслова 1. He was listened to with great attention.2. The doctor is feeling her pulse. 3. Tom has come back from school by 3 o`clock. 4. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 5. Did he finis his home work? 6. The railway time-tabl is changer rwice a year. 7. They will do this work tomorrow  2 перекласти речення  1.у багатьох театрах є оркестри з популярними диригентами. 2. вчора ми запізнились на поїзд. 3. я купив ліки в аптеці. 4. спорт допомагає мені бути здоровим.5. звичайно я снідаю о 7 годині ранку   3Відповісти на запитання. 1.Why do many people go in for sports? 2. What kinds of trains do you know? 3. What do you prefer: a ballet, an opera or a commedy? 4. How many times a day do you have meal? 5. What is the fare in the bus in your town?  4 поставити присудок у Passive Voice 1. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. 2. A boy showed her the way 
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Past Simple Passive 2.Present Continuous Active 3.Present Perfect Active 4.Future active 5.Past Simple Active 6.Present Continuous Active 7.Future active
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