1)Choose the right word: A POCKET -SIZED FLAT FOLDING CASE FOR HOLDING MONEY AND PLASTIK CARDS IS A... A) WALLET B)PURSE  C) BILLFO 2) What does a figurative phrase " to bite the dust" mean? a) to   have no will of your own 2) ...

1)Choose the right word: A POCKET -SIZED FLAT FOLDING CASE FOR HOLDING MONEY AND PLASTIK CARDS IS A... A) WALLET B)PURSE  C) BILLFO 2) What does a figurative phrase " to bite the dust" mean? a) to   have no will of your own 2) to be defeated in battle 3) to bie   
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) wallet - бумажник; 2) to die (а вообще это означает "прекратить существование"... Умереть - это утрировано как-то, ведь речь может идти даже о прекращении существования фирмы - Three hundred more people lost their jobs in the same region when another firm bit the dust, как пример).
1- billfold, 2 - to bite the dust - to be defeated in battle
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