1.Eve … (live) in Athens when she … (meet) the man who was to become her husband. 2.… you … (not work) at Milroy’s when they … (have) that terrible fire? 3.As it … (get) foggier it … (become) almost impossible to steer the boat...

1.Eve … (live) in Athens when she … (meet) the man who was to become her husband. 2.… you … (not work) at Milroy’s when they … (have) that terrible fire? 3.As it … (get) foggier it … (become) almost impossible to steer the boat along the narrow canal. 4.I … (hear) a strange noise just as I … (go) to sleep. 5.When the fire alarm … (go) off, we … (leave) the building as quickly as possible. 88 6.At the place where we … (live) before, our neighbours … (always/ have) violent arguments late at night. 7.I … (hope) you’d come round for tea one afternoon next week. 8.Fiona … (live) in New York when her first novel was published. 9.On looking out of the window, Dick … (see) it was another dreary day. The wind … (blow) hard and big black clouds … (gather) on the horizon. 10.While the others … (lie) on the beach, poor old Gary … (work) in the office as usual. 11.When the phone … (ring), she … (pick) it up and … (put) it down again! 12.I … (never/ understand) why you … (always/ get) to school late on Monday mornings. 13.Beverly … (work) in a fast-foodrestaurant for a few months before she … (go) to college. 14.When I … (be) a lad, we … (always/ go) to Heysham for our summer holidays. I … (really/ love) the place even though it … (often/ rain).
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) was living / met 2) weren't you working / had 3) is getting / is becoming 4) heard / went 5) went / left 6) lived / were always having 7) hope 8) have been living 9) saw / blowed / gathered 10) were laying / was working 11) rang / picked / put 12) have never understood / are always getting  13) had worked / went 14) was / always went / really loved / often rained 
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