1.He is a ... university professor. A-teenager C-middle-aged B-in his thirties 2.If you go out with your friends, you ... a great time. A-will have B have C-are having 3.Peter ... playing tennis. It's his hobby! A-loves B-is lo...

1.He is a ... university professor. A-teenager C-middle-aged B-in his thirties 2.If you go out with your friends, you ... a great time. A-will have B have C-are having 3.Peter ... playing tennis. It's his hobby! A-loves B-is loving C-loves to 4. When I was a kid, I didn't get much ... money. A-shoe B-jumper C-pockey 5. Why dont't you use the dictionary to look ... the word 'toxic'. A-up B-after C-forward 6. I'm throwing out the bread because it has gone ..... A-on B-off C-with
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middle-aged will have loves pocket up off
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