1. Вставьте, где это необходимо, артикль: a/an, the 1.My mother is ____ doctor. She is ____ good doctor. 2.These are ____ flowers. _____ Flowers are very beautiful. 3.____ Milk is very useful for children. _____ Milk is hot. ...

1. Вставьте, где это необходимо, артикль: a/an, the 1.My mother is ____ doctor. She is ____ good doctor. 2.These are ____ flowers. _____ Flowers are very beautiful. 3.____ Milk is very useful for children. _____ Milk is hot. 4.I’d like to go to ____ Bolshoy Theater and ____ Historical Museum. 2. Вставьте: am, is, are 1.Where ____ you from? -I _____ from Russia. 2.They ____ my parents. 3.-How old ____ you? -How old ____ your brother? 4.My money ____ in my pocket. 3. Подчеркните правильную форму множественного числа существительных: Potato – (potatos, potatoes, нет множ.числа) Mouse – (mouses, mice, mouss) Man – (men, mans, man) Baby – (babys, babies, babyes) Photo – (photos, photoes, photo) 4. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Подчеркните правильную форму прилагательного: 1. Mike is my (good) friend. (best, goodest, better) 2. Nina is (young) than Sveta. (youngest, the youngest, younger) 3. This text is (difficult) than that one. (more difficult, difficulter, the difficultest) 4. Pete is not (strong) his brother Bob. (strong as, stronger, so strong as) 5. Местоимения: замените русское местоимение английским: 1. (Это)_____ is not (его) _____ key but (ее)______. 2. (Им)______ want to visit Paris. 3. Is this (ее)_____ book? No, (это)_____ is not (моя)______ book. 4. Are this pen (твоя)______? No, (это)______ is not (моя)______. 6.“Much” или “Many” There isn’t ______milk in the bottle. Have you got _____ English books?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
#1. 1- a , a. 2- ничего 3- ничего 4- а, а #2. 1. are, am 2. are 3. are, are 4. are #3. 1.potatoes 2.mouses 3.men 4.babies 5. photos #6. 1. вроде ничего)( 2. many
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