2.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.1. The letter (to send) last week. 2. The goods (to pack) by tomorrow. 3. The contract (to sign) before they arrived. 4. The advertising materials (to study) now. 5. The ca...

2.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.1. The letter (to send) last week. 2. The goods (to pack) by tomorrow. 3. The contract (to sign) before they arrived. 4. The advertising materials (to study) now. 5. The calculations (to check) when I came? 6. The prices (to raise) twice. 7. The preparations (to make) by that time? 8. How often the taxes (to pay)? 9. The delegation (to meet) at the airport the day after tomorrow. 10. How many products (to produce) at this factory this year? 11. The equipment not (to adapt) to our conditions yet. 12. How long the answer from the Supplier (to wait for)? 13. The invoice (to draw up) for 10 minutes when I came. 14. Why the claim (to make)? 15. … the calculations still (to check)? 16. Hardly the catalogues (to study when they asked them back. 17. Who he (to escort) by in his business trip? 18. We didn’t know that the defects already (to remedy). 19. The goods (to calculate) when we arrived. 20. The claim (to meet) at the earliest convenience. 21. The remainder (to settle) by the end of the week. 22. The payment never (to effect) in cash. 23. When the prices for raw materials (to raise)? 24. The specialists’ training (to arrange) in our training centres this month. 25. The shipment (to delay) for a week.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Is sent 2. Must be packed 3. Was signed 4. Will be studying 5. Should have been checked 6. Should have been raised 7. Should have been made 8. Is going to be payed 9. Is going to be met 10. Is going to be produced 11. Is adapted 12. Had waited for 13. Must be drew up 14. Had to be made 15. Had...been checked 16. Must be studied 17. Had escorted 18. Is remidied 19. Should have been calculated 20. Had to be met 21. Is settled 22. Was effected 23. Will be raised 24. Must be arranging 25. Is delaying
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