A27. I wish people … their cars less often in the future. 1) had used; 2) to use; 3) used; 4) would use. A28. How much better I … now if in my youth I … the advantage of sensible advice! 1)would write, had;2)would have written,...

A27. I wish people … their cars less often in the future. 1) had used; 2) to use; 3) used; 4) would use. A28. How much better I … now if in my youth I … the advantage of sensible advice! 1)would write, had;2)would have written, had;3)would write, had had;4)would have written, had had. A29. The advice she gave me … very helpful. 1) is; 2) are; 3) was; 4) were. A30. I must have … tomorrow. 1) my hair cut; 2) my hair to cut; 3) my hair to be cut; 4) to cut my hair. A31. She saw … in the garden. 1) he reading; 2) him reading; 3) him to read; 4) he to read.
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