Beauty is as beauty does напишите пожалуйста сочинение 100-120 слов

Beauty is as beauty does напишите пожалуйста сочинение 100-120 слов
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Beauty - the notion ambiguous and each person sees it in something else. For some, the beauty - it is the surrounding nature: rivers, mountains, forests, comely landscapes, sunrise or sunset. Someone sees beauty in a person - a healthy body is slim, regular features, blush, large eyes or a specific hair color. For me: the beauty - it's something higher that is perceived is not impaired, but there is a soul. I can never be called beautiful that brings evil or bad intentions. Many admire the inlaid precious stones arms, and it never will be beautiful for me because bears death. Similarly with man: he can have a great and right by any measure fashion features, flawless appearance and have a superb style, but if his thoughts are filled with negativity, it will never be seen by me as beautiful. The conclusion is obvious, beauty, in my understanding - is good, sincerity, sympathy and support skills.
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